Quality Assurance


The Faculty Quality Assurance Group (GPM) is a body or committee responsible for ensuring and supervising the quality of education and academic programs organized by a faculty at a college or university. The main aim of GPM is to maintain and improve the quality standards of education, research and community service at the faculty level.

Additional Tasks

Main Duties & Function

Collaborate with Faculty leaders to plan and create internal quality assurance system (SPMI) documents.

Assist the Quality Assurance Unit (UPM), Study Program (Prodi), and faculty in the preparation of SPMI documents.

Promote, monitor, and evaluate the quality assurance system at the Faculty level.

Implementing the quality assurance system at the Faculty level.

Compile evaluation results per semester of lecturer learning tools at the Faculty level.

Evaluate the Study Program Curriculum at least once every 4 years.

Compile results and create Course Portfolios at the Faculty level in collaboration with UPM. Course Portfolios compiled by lecturers must include alignment of Planned End Capabilities (KAD), Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK), Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL), study materials, literature, assessments, and student grades.

Collecting, evaluating, and documenting student final project results, including title selection, supervisor and examiner assignments, implementation, plagiarism checking, manuscript writing, and journal publication at the Faculty level.

Compile the results of the Student Questionnaire on Learning Media/Media at the Faculty level.

Develop follow-up plans based on evaluation results and recommendations for continuous improvement within the Faculty.

Legal Base

Survey for Education Staff

Survey for all Academic Members of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Lecturers, Students and Education Staff)

Before completing the survey, please log in using your institutional email first

(with domain @mail.unej.ac.id OR @unej.ac.id)