Collaboration of FTP, Faperta and LP2M as the Committee of "The 8th IC-FANRes and 2nd IC-SIA" in 2023
27 November 2023
The Faculty of Agricultural Technology together with the Faculty of Agriculture and the Institute for Research and Community Service held the 8th International Conference of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (IC-FANRes) and the 2nd International Conference of Sustainable Industrial Agriculture (IS-SIA) in 2023 on Friday and Saturday, November 24 and 25, 2023 at the University of Jember Auditorium Building.
This international conference was attended by experts and participants from various countries including Indonesia, America, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, Tailand, South Korea and Taiwan. In addition to the presence of 9 experts in agriculture, there were also 130 researchers who also presented research results in the form of scientific papers presented in parallel sessions in 14 themes. The themes discussed in this session included food engineering and processing, industrial products and plants, agricultural engineering, animal husbandry, agricultural socio-economics, nutrition and food health, utilization of Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing and so on. [es]