National Quemoy University Taiwan, Republic of China Membuka Pendaftaran "New Southbound Program International Recruitment 2023"
National Quemoy University Taiwan, Republic of China bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Pengembangan Pembelajaran dan Penjaminan Mutu (LP3M) Universitas Jember membuka pendaftaran bagi mahasiswa yang mengikuti "NEW SOUTHBOUND PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL RECRUITMENT 2023". Daftar Fakultas dan Program Studi di National Quemoy University Taiwan, Republic of China diantaranya
I. The College of Health and Nursing
Departement of Nursing
Departement of Long Term Care
II. The College of Science and Engineering
The College of Science and Engineering
Departement of Electronic Engineering
Departement of Computer Science and Information Engineering
Departement of Food Science
Master Program of Information Technology and Applications
III. College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Departement of Applied English
Departement of Chinnese Studies
Departement of Urban Planning and Landscape
Departement of International and Mainland China Affairs
Departement of Ocean and Border Governance
Graduate Program of Culture and History of Hokkien
IV. College of Management
College of Management
Departement of Tourism Management
Departement of Sport and Leisure
Departement of Industrial Engineering and Management
Master Program in Business Management, College of Management
Batas akhir pendaftaran sampai dengan tanggal 12 Juni 2023 pukul 23.59 WIB.
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