Socialization of Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence
21 Mei 2024
The Faculty of Agricultural Technology of the University of Jember in collaboration with the Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence at the University of Jember held a Socialization of Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS). This socialization activity is a roadshow agenda of the PPKS Task Force of the University of Jember to provide education about sexual violence in the campus environment. The activity which was held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 was held in the lecture room 4/13 and was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember consisting of Dr. Ir. Bambang Marhaenanto, M.Eng., IPM as Dean, Prof. Dr. IB. Suryaningrat (Vice Dean for Academic Affairs), Dr. Sri Wahyuningsih, S.P., M.T., IPM (Vice Dean for Finance and General Affairs) and Ir. Giyarto, M.Sc. (Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni) fiber the Deputy Field Coordinators. As speakers, Dr. Rokhani, SP, M.Si. (Head of UNEJ PPKS Task Force), Syahrin Shafa Akhsania and Sevia Putri Hendriansyah as student representatives of UNEJ PPKS Task Force members were also present.
The Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Dr. Ir. Bambang Marhaenanto, M.Eng., IPM in his speech said that the PPKS program at the University of Jember, specifically at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) is to provide a sense of comfort and security for the Faculty Community and protect all Lecturers, Students and Education Personnel from actions that lead to sexual violence. Through this activity, it is hoped that it can add insight and knowledge about sexual violence that often occurs in the campus environment as well as provide information that currently the University of Jember has a Task Force that focuses on sexual violence. After giving his speech, continued by officially opening the event which was attended by 70 student representatives, 15 Lecturers and 15 Education Personnel in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember. [es]