Faculty & Staff
The Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember (FTP UNEJ) has a highly competent and experienced teaching team. The lecturers of FTP UNEJ are lecturers who have reached the highest level of education in the field of agricultural technology. In terms of educational qualifications, we have 34 lecturers with doctoral degrees (S3), 31 with master's degrees (S2), and 13 with professional engineer degrees.
The education staff at FTP UNEJ is a dedicated team that includes laboratory personnel responsible for ensuring a smooth practical learning experience. In addition, our administrative education staff carry out faculty administrative duties in a professional manner, providing essential support for the success of academic and operational processes. Together, they form a solid foundation for creating an effective and efficient learning environment within the faculty.
Dr. Ir. Bambang Marhaenanto, M.Eng., IPM., ASEAN Eng.
NIP. 196312121990031002
Vice Dean of Academic Affairs
Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Suryaningrat, S.TP., M.M. IPU., ASEAN Eng.
NIP. 197008031994031004
Vice Dean of Finace & General Affairs
Dr. Sri Wahyuningsih, S.P., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng.
NIP. 197211301999032001
Vice Dean of Student & Alumni Affairs
Ir. Giyarto, M.Sc.
NIP. 196607181993031013
Head of General Affairs
Wara Bhakti Pratiwi, S.Si., M.Si
Head of General Affairs
Fransisco Erick Supartha, S.Kom., M.M.
Deputy Coordinator for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs
Any Widhiarti, S.E., M.M.
Deputy Coordinator for Finance and Personnel
Nur Rahman, S.P.
Deputy Coordinator for General Affairs and State Property
Agricultural Engineering
Dr. Ir. Heru Ernanda, M.T., IPU.
Ir. Tasliman, M.Eng.
Dr. Ir. Bambang Marhaenanto, M.Eng., IPM., ASEAN Eng.
Dr. Ir. Soni Sisbudi Harsono, M.Eng., M.Phil.
Dr. Siswoyo Soekarno, S.TP., M.Eng., IPM.
Dr. Ir. Iwan Taruna, M.Eng., IPM.
Prof. Dr. Indarto, S.TP., DEA., IPU.
Dr. Sri Wahyuningsih, S.P., M.T., IPM. , ASEAN Eng
Dr. Elida Novita, S.TP., M.T., IPM.
Dr. Dedy Wirawan Soedibyo, S.TP., M.Si., IPM.
Dr. Idah Andriyani, S.TP., M.T., IPM.
Sutarsi, S.TP., M.Sc., IPM.
Prof. Bayu Taruna Widjaja Putra, S.TP., M.Eng., Ph.D.
Ning Puji Lestari, S.T., M.Eng.
Dian Purbasari, S.Pi., M.Si.
Rufiani Nadzirah S.TP., M.Sc.
Akbar Setyo Pambudi M.Sc.
Eka Tiyas Anggraeni S.T. M.T.
Agricultural Product Technology
Prof. Dr. Ir. Tejasari, M.Sc.
Dr. Ir. Sony Suwasono, M.App.Sc.
Dr. Ir. Sih Yuwanti, M.P.
Dr. Ir. Herlina, M.P., IPM.
Ir. Giyarto, M.Sc.
Dr. Ir. Jayus, IPM.
Prof. Ir. Achmad Subagio, M.Agr., Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Yuli Witono, S.TP., M.P.
Dr. Triana Lindriati, S.T., M.P.
Prof. Dr. Puspita Sari, S.TP., M.Phil.
Dr. Niken Widya Palupi S.TP., M.Sc.
Ahmad Nafi', S.TP., M.P.
Dr. Nurhayati, S.TP., MSi.
Nurud Diniyah, S.TP., M.P., Ph.D.
Ir. Mukhammad Fauzi M.Si.
Ardiyan Dwi Masahid, S.TP., M.P.
Riska Rian Fauziah, S.Pt., M.P.
Asmak Afriliana, STP, MP., Ph.D.
Lailatul Azkiyah, S.TP., M.P.
Dr. Maria Belgis, S.TP., M.P.
Aji Sukoco S.Pt., M.Si.
Eko Priyantono, S.P., M.Si
Ahmad David Royyifi Arifin M.Gz.
Ani Rosa Putri Ayu Mujayanah M.Gz.
Brihatsama S.T.P. M.Sc.
Intan Ria Neliana S.Pd. M.Biotek.
Lita Meilina M.Si.
Mentari Sekar Arum S.K.M. M.T.P.
Mirriyadhil Jannah M.Si.
Nur Latifatul Qodriyah S.Pi. M.T.P.
Riska Ayu Febrianti S.Pd. M.Biotek.
Agricultural Industrial Technology
Ir. Noer Novijanto, M.App.Sc.
Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Suryaningrat, S.TP., M.M. , IPU., ASEAN Eng.
Dr. Nita Kuswardhani, S.TP., M.Eng.
Dr. Yuli Wibowo, S.TP., M.Si., IPM.
Dr. Bambang Herry Purnomo, S.TP., M.Si.
Dr. Eka Ruriani, S.TP., M.Si.
Andrew Setiawan Rusdianto, S.TP., M.Si.
Winda Amilia, S.TP., M.Sc.
Miftahul Choiron, S.TP., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Andi Eko Wiyono, S.TP., M.P.
Nidya Shara Mahardika, S.TP., M.P.
Bertung Suryadharma, S.ST., M.Kom.
Leader Firstandika S.Si. M.T.
Lituhayu Sausan Supartiningrum Yudiansyah S.T. M.P.
Muhammad Arga Hita S.T. M.Sc.
Shinta Syafrina Endah Hap Sari S.T. M.P.
Academic and Student Affairs
Fransisco Erick Supartha, S.Kom., M.M.
Benedicta Puspitasari, A.Md.
Gifte Darmadhiar Iradewi S.Sos
Fitri Hapsari S.TP.
Erwin Silasa
Herdijanto, S.E
Efendi Suasana, S. Sos
Aswi Susanto
Prama Adhi Wijaya
Employee & Finance Affairs
Any Widhiarti, S.E., M.M.
Cahyaning Widayanti, S.TP
Budiono Firdaus, S.H
General Affairs
Nur Rahman, S.P.
Rio Mohammad
Satria Janu Prasetyo
Anita Sulistyawati, A.Md
Agus Irawan
Suprihatin, S.E.