“To be excellent fields of science, technology and engineering in environmentally insight industrial agriculture/plantation business development at both nationally and internationally level


Dr. Ir. Bambang Marhaenanto, M. Eng., I.P.M., ASEAN Eng.

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News Releases

In an effort to realize a healthy and safe campus, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Jember collaborates with the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP), University of Jember (UNEJ). This collaboration was marked by a friendly visit from the Head of BPOM Jember to FTP UNEJ on Wednesday, December 11, 2024.

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) of the University of Jember (UNEJ) successfully held a Socialization and Integrity Zone Development Workshop (ZI) in the Ballroom of the Fortuna Grande Hotel Jember. The activity which was held on Saturday, October 26, 2024 was attended by all ranks of the Dean, Lecturers, and Education Personnel of FTP UNEJ with the aim of increasing understanding and commitment in realizing good, clean, and transparent governance in the faculty environment.

In order to strengthen and implement the Tri Darma of Higher Education, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember established a collaboration with the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University on July 31, 2024, which took place in the Conference Room of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember.

In order to develop the institution, especially in the implementation of Tri Darma, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember established cooperation with The Research Institute of Tailored Food Technology, Kyungpook National University, South Korea at the Auditorium Building, University of Jember.

In order to initiate cooperation to strengthen the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology sent a delegation to visit Chiang Mai University in Thailand.

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology of the University of Jember in collaboration with the Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence at the University of Jember held a Socialization of Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS).  This socialization activity is a roadshow agenda for the PPKS Task Force of the University of Jember to provide education about sexual violence in the campus environment.

Lecture with world-class professors in packaging and storage technology courses in preparation for international accreditation

In preparation for the opening of international classes, Agricultural Product Technology Study Program scheduled lecture activities with foreign lecturers. Lectures with foreign lecturers can create an international work environment, so that it will have an impact on improving students' English language skills, THP Study Program holds international public lectures. 

BAN-PT Field Assessment of the Master of Agroindustrial Technology Study Program

March 4, 2024

The Master of Agroindustrial Technology Study Program at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember, better known as the Master of Agroindustrial Technology Study Program, received a Field Assessment visit from the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education. The Field Assessment carried out by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education was attended by two Assessors of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Murhadi from Lampung University and Dr. Ir. Makhmudun Ainuri, M.Si. from Gajah Mada University.

Collaboration of FTP, Faperta and LP2M as the Committee of “The 8th IC-FANRes and 2nd IC-SIA” in 2023 

November 27, 2023 

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology together with the Faculty of Agriculture and the Institute for Research and Community Service held the 8th International Conference of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (IC-FANRes) and the 2nd International Conference of Sustainable Industrial Agriculture (IS-SIA) in 2023 on Friday and Saturday, November 24 and 25, 2023 at the University of Jember Auditorium Building. 

Together Realizing Sugar Self-Sufficiency, PT Sinergi Gula Nusantara Collaborates with the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

November 19, 2023

In order to realize sugar self-sufficiency, the holding company formed by the Ministry of BUMN, PT Sinergi Gula Nusantara, collaborates with stake holders including Higher Education in the East Java region, especially the University of Jember. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which was carried out on Friday, November 17, 2023 by SEVP Operations II with Vice Rector IV representing the Rector of the University of Jember. 



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